okay you have made the decision ,to start your own business. so you started to do some some research online and found that there is an endless supply of business opportunities available. how do you decide which one is the perfect one. well i will tell you that,if you are looking for a business opportunity that says you can make a million dollars for working part time, and doing very little, that quite honestly is impossible. your best bet is going with a business opportunity that is proven and has been around for a number of years. it does not matter which business opportunity that you go with, you have to work at it to become successful.and of couse it would be helpful to have some guidance. lets look at jb international, what is it with our business opportunities. that would attract people to join our dealer network.
when we first ,thought about taking our home services, and offering them as a dealership, we thougth long and hard about training, rights, products, cost etc etc
with our company having a code of ethics that says, we want to help as many people as possible start their own business,we had to make decisions based on that principle. as a result. we decided not to charge a large franchise fee, 50,000 to 100,000 which would include training, rights, and other important factors. instead of charging that large amount we decided to only charge for training costs, which is obvious.
our fee $7200.00 might seem like a lot of money. but think about it, would you rather spend 50,000 to 100.000 dollars. i don't think so.
the 7200.00 can be broken down into the following
.cost for hotel accomodations
.training costs
.kits with product to start your business
.training manuals
.materials needed to train
.class picture.
when you see the breakdown you can see the logic.
now when you become a jbi dealer, you have access to our other products and servcies that you can add to your contract, free of charge, typically products are added without any training involved if we add other services ,some might require training some not. as the jbi dealer network grows, there will be incentives, and prizes, for being a top dealer. typically after a time period, the top dealers have the option of working direct for us.
when you become a dealer ,there is a contract, no small print everything is in black and white, basically, it states you are a dealer for ten years. if you have to break that contract for any reason there is no penalties.
you have major advantages
. you can work anywhere you want no restrictions,
.if you have a company web site, you can sell our jbi products world wide if you choose to do so.
.operate your business full time or part time, the choice is yours
.our on going support is just that, we will help you from start up to your retirement.
in our contract it says you pay us 10% on each job. don;t let that scare you basically if you do a kitchen restoration for say 700.00 the fee is only 70.00
if you do not have any sales, you pay us nothing.
now you are thinking this sounds to good to be true, well i will tell you something, we are going out on a serious limb. we know that our business opportunities are proven, are in demand and growing, we are banking on your talent, and our help to create a profitable business for you, if you do well we all do well.
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