
Saturday, 14 December 2013

you are required to train your employees.

when you have returned home after completing the jb international training program, the first thing you will receive is your two stanley kits with products for the kitchen restoration service. we will maintain contact with you from the first day, we will begin to help you with all aspects of your day to day operations. we will guide you with any decisions, you of course do not have to follow our guidance, especially if you have business experience.  if you decide to hire employees to do the hands on work. you are required to train them your self. of course you can use the training manual that you received during your training program.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

for our canadian and american friends

becoming a jbi dealer , is  an opportunity to become part of something that is proven, with many years of use. our home renovation services. are unique, offer great profits. and are fun to do. but remember it is physical work, it isn't something you will make money at by doing nothing. if you like working with your hands, or if you are good at training others to do the work for you.,then becoming one of our dealers would be the perfect fit. and  becoming a jbi dealer is available to residents of both the united states and canada.

Saturday, 23 November 2013

become a jbi dealer

jbi dealerships versus franchising. jb international is not a franchisor, we do not sell franchises. we provide dealerships for businesses or individuals. who would like to become a jbi dealer selling our products and providing our services to customers. you can either operate full time or part time. you are not required to have a store front or carry a large inventory. only reuirement is the willingness to succeed and have to drive to make it happen. we only charge for training program for our home renovation services,(obvious)

no contracts
no franchise fees
no store front required
operate full time or part time
work from home or office
must take training program for home services
both services offered as a package deal
available to residents of both canada and the united states
no inventory required
we supply all materials needed to complete both services. ( the products used were developed specifically for our services)
ongoing support from start up to your retirement
must sign a non disclosure form
no previous experience needed
massive markets and growing
ulimited potential
great profit margins
no restrictions
add other jbi products and services.

visit our web site for details

Saturday, 16 November 2013

whats new?

we have made a change to our web site.  we have added a new page titled whats new.  on this page you will find , other jbi products and services , that will be offered to our current and new dealers.. please check our web site on a regular basis, for exciting news.

Friday, 15 November 2013

join the jbi dealer network

we have taken our two premium home renovation services, kitchen cabinet restoration service and our garage makeover service, combined them into one training program and is now offered  as a business opportunity to individuals who want to own a business that is in demand. our training program is in depth, covers both technical and business. we do not sell franchises ,and charge a massive franchise fee. we only charge for our training program. you have control over your business,and you have the option of working anywhere you wish. visit our web site for details, and join us on our blog

Thursday, 14 November 2013

adapting to a changing workplace

most businesses today are smaller, leaner and not as structured as they were 20 years ago. but the most significant change in the organizational makeup of most businesses has less to do with the infrastructure and more to do with the basic nature of jobs,and the working arrangements of the people who hold those jobs.  you can no longer think of today's workplace as the specific building or piece of real estate where employees perform their jobs. today is the age of the telecommuter and the virtual office. thanks to wireless connections,the internet,video conferencing,smartphones,and other technology,many businesses can run efficiently even though the key players never meet face to face.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

strengths and weaknesses

when you become a jbi dealer, we will determine what your strengths and weaknesses are, some of you might be good at people skills, some of you might be good at pricing or estimating, or marketing. everyone has some strengths that they bring to the table. and everyone has some weaknesses that ,could create some friction, or concern within the business structure. part of our on going support is to determine what your strenghts are ,and what your weaknesses are. the areas where you are weak, we will help you succeed. after all its in all of our best interests to help each other become profitable.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

too many business opportunities to choose from

okay you have made the decision ,to start your own business. so you started to do some some research online and found that there is an endless supply of business opportunities available. how do you decide which one is the perfect one. well i will tell you that,if you are looking for a business opportunity that says you can make a million dollars for working part time, and doing very little, that quite honestly is impossible. your best bet is going with a business opportunity that is proven and has been around for a number of years. it does not matter which business opportunity that you go with, you have to work at it to become successful.and of couse it would be helpful to have some guidance. lets look at jb international, what is it with our business opportunities. that would attract people to join our dealer network.

when we first ,thought about taking our home services, and offering them as a dealership, we thougth long and hard about training, rights, products, cost etc etc

with our company having a code of  ethics that says, we want to help as many people as possible start their own business,we had to make decisions based on that principle. as a result. we decided not to charge a large franchise fee, 50,000 to 100,000 which would include training, rights, and other important factors. instead of charging that large amount we decided to only charge for training costs, which is obvious.
our fee $7200.00 might seem like a lot of money. but think about it, would you rather spend 50,000 to 100.000 dollars. i don't think so.

the 7200.00 can be broken down into the following
.cost for hotel accomodations
.training costs
.kits with product to start your business
.training manuals
.materials needed to train
.class picture.
when you see the breakdown you can see the logic.

now when you become a jbi dealer, you have access to our other products and servcies that you can add to your contract, free of charge, typically products are added without any training involved if we add other services ,some might require training some not. as the jbi dealer network grows, there will be incentives, and prizes, for being a top dealer. typically after a time period, the top dealers have the option of working direct for us.

when you become a dealer ,there is a contract, no small print everything is in black and white, basically, it states you are a dealer for ten years. if you have to break that contract for any reason there is no penalties.

you have major advantages

. you can work anywhere you want no restrictions,
.if you have a company web site, you can sell our jbi products world wide if you choose to do so.
.operate your business full time or part time, the choice is yours
.our on going support is just that, we will help you from start up to your retirement.
in our contract it says you pay us 10% on each job. don;t let that scare you basically if you do a kitchen restoration for say 700.00 the fee is only 70.00
if you do not have any sales, you pay us nothing.

now you are thinking this sounds to good to be true, well i will tell you something, we are going out on a serious limb. we know that our business opportunities are proven, are in demand and growing, we are banking on your talent, and our help to create a profitable business for you, if you do well we all do well.

Monday, 11 November 2013

marketing a start up business

when you start a jbi dealer ship ,you are already ahead of the game. most businesses have a hard time ,determining, or deciding on what course to set for their marketing program. being a jbi dealer, we help remove this indecision. our on going support, will help and guide you with procedures, and methods to advertise your new business. it makes it easier that you already have proven, and unique services and products available. because we have been around for awhile, we have all the necessary ,information,tactics, images, stationary, contacts, and much more available to you for use with your marketing program.
.we will help you determine what type of customer you want to serve?
.we will help you advertise how your services and products differ from your competitors,and how your customers will benefit for using your services.
.and most importantly we will help you develop your corporate image, this goes a long way in obtaining that important trust factor with all of your customers.
remember we want dealers who believe in honesty. being up front with your customers. that is the principles that jbi was founded on and will continue to promote.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

employee training

when you have completed the jbi training program, you will have the necessary knowledge to start your jbi dealership. remember you can operate either on a full time or part time basis. you will be required to train any employees. best course is to handle the management side of things and have an employee do the actual hands on work. this is the best method especially if you are operating on a part time basis. and don't forget to have any employees sign a non disclosure agreement.

Friday, 8 November 2013

writing and designng your ads

great print ads capture attention, inspire the target market,promote the benefits of your product or service. prompt  customer action,and forward a businesses brand. if you're thinking about creating a print based ad to attract customers to your business, remember that three important elements of the ad must work together.

.headline   the prints ad's major introductory statement
.copy. the words that fill the body of an ad.  good copy talks directly to the prospect. its point is to connect with and persuade the reader.
.graphics  the overall look and feel of the ad's design and the placement of elements such as the headline,copy,photos,or illustrations,logo and signature line,etc etc.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

what is on going support

you have heard us speaking about on going support . exactly what do we mean by ongoing support. well. when you become a dealer we provide you with help, in all aspects of your business , from advertising, ordering dealing with customers, providing you with leads, hiring employees, office structures, products. new services and products. shipping , helping you with any tech support, how to handle certain situations. ,basically anything that you need help with we will guide you. a major advantage for being a jbi dealer, compared to being a franchisee is that you can work where you want and you have control over your business.and you can add other jbi products and services without restrictions..

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

tools required

some of you were asking about tools needed for the kitchen cabinet restoration service and the garage makeover service. your training program will show you the tools required and how to properly use them. and believe me there isn't a lot of tools needed. you have the option of buying them from us or you can purchase anywhere you like.

Monday, 4 November 2013

sometimes you have to adapt

sometimes when you are on the job ,certain things happen ,that cause you to this recent job
 on a recent job, our spiked shoes did not arive on time,and of course the show must go on.  so we made our own shoes. we took two pieces of 2 by4 ,hammered some nails thru them. and duct taped them to the bottom of  a workers feet  well at least they worked. if there was a garage makeover hall of fame , these home made spiked shoes, would make it in for sure. and by the way red green would be proud. 

Sunday, 3 November 2013

part time or full time

one key advantage of our business opportunities, not only are they proven, and growing in demand. but you have the ability to operate your jbi dealership on a full time or part time basis. this is great news ,meaning you can retain your  current full time job. this method is perfect for people who need to work bringing in a pay cheque. until your business allows you to quit your day job. and with our in depth training, you will be able to train your own employees. (just remember to have them sign a non disclosure form)  our on going support staff will help you along the way.   

Saturday, 2 November 2013

kitchen cabinet hardware

now remember when you take the jbi training program , there are more products that you can sell to your customers besides the kitchen cabinet restoration service and the garage makeover service.we have  a great selection of kitchen cabinet handles and knobs that your customers will love. our line of hardware are the latest styles and colors. adding new handles or knobs ,greatly enhances the restoration process.

Friday, 1 November 2013

jb international car products

jb international is the sole distributor for canada ,for a new unique exciting line of car products. if you have your own e commerce web site, and you are looking for a new product line for your web site our checkered flag series of car products would be the perfect fit. no need for an inventory, only purchase when you have sold items. we will drop ship direct to your customers. if you are a business owner looking for new products to sell to your customers. again our checkered flag series of car products. will create a new niche market, bring in new customers and generate additional revenue. you can view these items on our web site at

Thursday, 31 October 2013

overview of garage makeover service

now its time for your customers to take back their garage. when you take the jbi training program and become a dealer not only will you be able to provide the kitchen restoration service but you will also be able to provide your customers with a garage makeover service.  you will be able to transform your customers garage floor into a stunning masterpiece, and by adding our garage cabinets and accessories, your customer will have a garage that will be the envy of the entire neighborhood, plus you can provide them with a lifetime warranty. and if you perform the kitchen cabinet restoration service on their cabinets, your customers will love you forever.and don't forget about the other products and services, you will be able to provide your customers with.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

overview of kitchen cabinet restoration service

our 4 day training program teaches you both the technical and business training for our kitchen cabinet restoration service and our garage makeover service, is in depth yet extremely easy to learn. the training is done in the fernridge room located in the sandman signature hotel located in langely british columbia. this is also the same hotel that the trainees stay at. the kitchen cabinet restoration service is a one day kitchen restoration service that restores wood kitchen cabinets back to their original look and lustre, in less than a day for a fraction the cost of replacement. you do not need any experience in the wood working, or cabinet industries, . the restoration service can be done on any thing made of wood. the market is massive and the potential is unlimited. the profit margin, will be taught to you during training.

the restoration service is a 4 step process. the first step being a chemical cleaning that removes all contaminants, and adds nutrients to the wood. the second step deals with the problem areas such as scratches,missing color and worn finish. the third step is the liquid application of the protectorant, this liquid protects the wood from further damage, the fourth and final step is the application of the oil. to complete a kitchen restoration it takes approximately 3 to 8 hours. this makes it a perfect business, that allows you to do it on a part time basis such as a weekend. drying time is about 24 hours in some cases it might take longer, your customers can use their kitchen that same evening.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

now we want to hear from you

for the past couple of months we have been telling you about us, who we are, and what we offer. now we want to hear from you, please email us with any questions that you might have, we would be happy to answer any questions that you have, tell us what you are looking for, and what your main concerns are for starting a business.

email the president of jbi
jerry bonderud

Monday, 28 October 2013

now its time for you to sweat and squirm

probably the most enjoyable time our trainers, have during the training program, is on the last day of training. its when we all get to watch the trainees, sweat and squirm. after the training has been completed, we give everyone a test, most people think that its a test of their intelligence, or memory, and that they have to pass, when in actual fact the test,is for analysing the training program ,to see what changes have to be done,making it easier ,and more enjoyable.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

placing a magazine ad

if a full page color ad in macleans magazine costs tens of thousands of dollars,you may wonder why small businesses should even bother considering magazine advertising. the reason is that thousands of small circulation and more affordable magazines exist. plus many of the best known magazines print regional or even city editions in which you can place an ad for a fraction  of the full editiion price.
most small businesses limit their magazine ads to publications that serve particular business or interest groups,or especially in the case of those in the travel industry to city or regional travel magazines. review the magazines that serve your industry or your target market. a good reference is the canadian advertising rates and data (card) advertising sourcebook. which is available at most libraries.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

what about microblogging

what about it?

microblog sites allow members to make lots of short,less than 140 characters,blog posts,microblogs are fast easy and can be updated from a cellphone,computer or even via voice mail.
microblogs look and feel more like old fashioned chat rooms than blogs people post statements,which are visible in common public timeline which everyone can see and read.  you might think that microblogging is like a social network,but microblogs tend to be more real time,with some people posting every few minutes. so they allow for more of an ongoing conversation. most important, people will follow other microbloggers whom they find interesting. microblogging is a great way to build a focused audience to which you can pose questions ,make suggestions or announce a new blog post.

take care and have a great day

Friday, 25 October 2013

what type of person makes a good jbi dealer

if you are serious about starting your own business. we will help you. our goal is to help as many people as possible start their own business. we do not care what your background is, we do not care what  your previous job was .  our business opportunities are proven they have been in use for many many years. the products used were designed specifically for our services. our company was founded on principles and honesty.  the only requirement that we have is that you believe in these same values. if you have any questions about our company, its owners, or our services and you would like to speak to us direct please phone 604 726-3962  we would be happy to answer any of your questions.

thank you
take care and have a great week
jerry bonderud
president jb international

Thursday, 24 October 2013

getting paid

often you won't get paid until after you do the work or deliver your goods. but that doesn't mean that you should put off thinking about payment until then. in fact you must lay the groundwork at the time you and your customer make your deal.

planning to get paid

the best way to make sure that you get paid is to avoid situations in which you risk not getting paid. here's how to avoid these problems.

.turn customers away if you can't do the job or you know they'll have trouble paying
.make sure your agreements are fair to your customers
.get paid up front if you can
.don't be sneaky when you bill customers
.don't extend credit automatically
.protect yourself if you do extend credit
.do what you promised to do

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

keeping your customers happy

keeping your customers happy

after you enter into a contract with a customer, make it a point to follow what is in the contract, what ever you said you can do ,make sure that you are able to do it. In our training program, we stress this point. our company was based and founded on principles, and honesty. we only want dealers who believe in this concept. just doing the work isn't enough if you want to be paid promptly and get repeat business and referrals from your customers. you must also keep an eye on customer service

.don't make promises you can't keep
.keep the promises you make
.document all changes
.if you make a mistake or miss a deadline ,deal with it

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

run your business so it doesn't run you

run your business so it doesn't run you

running your business can be rewarding,exciting and fun. but it can be trying,problematic and frustrating. that's why its important to stay clear focused and on top of things. small businesses are growing. it used to be that you got a job with a company and stayed with that company your whole working life. the truth is that the modern business environment does not allow this same practise. big business offers little job security,more and more people are starting their own business. people start their own business because they want the freedom to be their own boss. call their own shots,make their own mistakes, and control their own destiny. do you know the difference between an owner and a worker? taking the leap from working in a business to managing and leading one is a much longer leap than most people imagine. they rent an office,hang out their shingle,hire an employee or two and they are off  and running,and running,and running. until one day they wake up exhausted,working for wages,and questioning their decision to start this business Of the thousands of businesses  that start each year close to half will not survive their first 6 years,mostly it is because the new owners don't know how to run a business. education and training rarely accompany the decision to move from employee to owner,you have to think like an owner,do not be like one of the boys. you have to make all of your decisions based on what is best for the company. don't try to do everything yourself. you need to find competent people who you can delegate responsibilities to. when you were an employee your day ended after 8 hours,as an owner you day is just beginning. as an owner you often need a more objective bottom line approach. some distance is needed. you are the boss think and act like it. some things you need to stay on top of

.establish your company.s mission and direction
.creating your annual strategic plan
.effectively communicating the company mission and plan to all employees
.developing and monitoring your annual budget.
.reviewing your financial information on a regular basis
.approving and making your capital expenditures
.determining personal needs to accomplish your plan
.making sure personnel is available to accomplish your plan
.creating personnel policies and benefit plans
.assuring the adequacy of resources to achieve your plan
.determining and implementing your marketing plan
.assuring there is adequate work to meet company needs
.staying abreast of industry trends and issues
.participating in industry associations
.promoting the company to the community
.providing motivation and leadership to your employees.

and make sure you have a proper balance between your business life and your personal life, spend time with family and friends. and as equally important maintain your health,and get plenty of rest, you need to make clear decisions.

Monday, 21 October 2013

pricing your product or service

as part of your training you will learn how to price your services to  various customers. you can make a profit in different ways for ex by combining a small profit on each item or in our case you can group both the garage makeover service,and the kitchen restoration service together, giving your customers savings on both services ,and allowing you to generate a good profit margin. or you can combine a small profit on each item or service provided with high sales volume,or by combining a low sales volume with a big profit on each sale.  best of course is high profit on each sale.if you underprice,you'll lose money on every sale even if you sell a gazillion jobs. if you overprice no one will buy at all. how do you figure this whole thing out............
..........we'll teach you at our training program.

if you have any questions that you would like to ask the president of jbi you can email him at

Sunday, 20 October 2013

training dates for 2014

here are the training dates for 2014

january    6,7,8,9
february  10,11,12,13
march      10,11,12,13
april         7,8,9,10
may          5,6,7,8,
june         9,10,11,12
july          7,8,9,10
august      18,19,20,21
september 8,9,10,11
october     6,7,8,9
november  10,11,12,13
december  8,9,10,11

book now , payment by money order or credit card.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

jb international overview

who is jb international? jb international is a company located in pitt meadows bc canada. it is owned by two individuals jerry bonderud and rick bowker. jb international's mission is to help as many people as possible start and operate their own business. we know that the two biggest problems facing people is lack of money and time needed to operate a business. as a result we no longer charge a franchise fee. you might ask what is the catch. well i will tell you there is no catch. we are gambling  that with a large dealer network, one that is successful, we will all benefit. its a large gamble on our part, but because we have proven, business opportunities, that will give your customers unique, and cost effective servcies that will generate good rewards........................................................................

kitchen cabinet restoration service.  this service restores wood cabinetry back to its original look and lustre in less than a day,for a fraction of the cost to replace. this same service can be done on anything made of wood , the market is massive and the potential is unlimited. you do not need any experience in cabinetry, wood working, or color matching. we will train you with our in depth hands on training. we are always upgrading this service that we developed some 20 years ago. you can add cabinet hardware, custom cabinets, and cabinet doors to this service as well. the products we use, are the same ones that we have been using for many many years. they are first rate, and were developed for use specifically for the kitchen cabinet restoration service. you can not purchase them anywhere else.

garage makeover service. this service transforms your customers garage floor into a stunning masterpiece that will last a lifetime. add our line of garage cabinets, and accessories and your customer will have a garage that will be the talk of the neighborhood. this same service can be done on commercial floors such as car repair shops, aircraft hangers, sidewalks, courtyards, patios. decks,
swimming pools and on and on.................................

when you take our training program you learn both the kitchen cabinet restoration service, and the garage makover service...

now for profit margins. part of your training will deal with pricing and the return or profit you will  obtain. . both of these have very good profit margins.

you can operate your jbi dealershop part time or full time.

now if you are an individual or a business that wants to create additional income. our checkered flag series of car products are a proven line that has been in use for many years in both the united states and europe. if you are an individual, you can sell them to stores, car repair shops, department stores, hardware stores, or on your own online store. we will ship either to you or direct to your customers.
if you are a business owner these car products will create a new niche market ,bring in new customers and generate additional revenue

if you have any questions regarding these services, or about jb international or its owners. please contact the president jerry bonderud

thank you everyone
take care and have a great week

Friday, 18 October 2013

work direct for us at jb international

after your jbi dealership business has grown, and become successful. you will have the option of working direct for us at our head office in pitt meadows bc canada. this is a reward for being one of the top dealers. also top dealers each year receive either cash rewards, or vacations. and other rewards..................good luck to all.........................................................................

Thursday, 17 October 2013

is there a market for our business opportunities

again many of you have been asking is there a market where i live for the one day kitchen cabinet restoration service and the garage makeover service.well to answer that question is simple, where ever you live in canada or the united states, are there homes, apartments, condos townhomes, that have wood cabinets, or where you live are there schools, churches, restuarants, hotels motels and other places that have anything wood, and where you live are there garages with concrete floors, or car repair shops with concrete floors, are there people with swimming pools, or people looking for garage cabinets. well you just answered your question.................................

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

keeping tabs on company morale

if your company has employees and it doesn't matter if you have one or two or 50 you should make it a point to get a good read on the general atmosphere in the workplace. you should be able to personally make your way around the office and to the job sites. to observe how employees interact with one another,how they feel about the way they're treated by senior management,and whether morale is rising or falling. after you have  viewed how your employees are and what frame of mind they are in. communicate with them to get their ideas on how to make it better for themselves and the company, allow employees to make recommedations,and let employees know their input has affected policies. put together a questionaire, asking questions on various company policies, keep the information confidential. if you keep your employees happy, the company will benefit in the long run.........................

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

social media advertising


what is social media advertising anyways?  since social media is such an important media provide the way people share ideas,content,thoughts,and relationships online. social media differ from so called mainstream media in that anyone can create, comment on ,and add to social media content., social media can take the form of text,audio, video,images and communities. the best way to think about social media is not in terms of the different technologies and tools but rather how those technologies and tools allow you to communicate directly with your buyers in places they are congregating right now. just as a point of clarification note that these are two terms that sound similar social media and social networking. social media is the superset and is how we refer to the various media that people use to communicate online in a social way. social media include blogs,wikis,video,phone sharing, and much much more. a subset of social media is social networking,a term used to refer to how people interact on sites like facebook twitter linkedin,my space and similar sites. social networking occurs when people create a personal profile and interest to become part of community of friends and like minded people and to share information on sites such as ......

.craigslist and kijiji
.online newspaper ads
.mobile advertising
.banner advertising
.online yellow pages
.google adwords
.newsletter advertising
............and much much more

Monday, 14 October 2013

traditional advertising

traditional advertising.

don't rely on web based methods alone to bring customers to your web site. rely on more traditional advertising methods,and include your web address. this form of advertising should use short teasers that direct consumers to your web site.,for more detailed information. your ads should just catch their attention and draw them to your web site where more in depth info can be found. companies are finding traditional advertising are directing consumers to their sites. they're getting excellent marketing results by using traditional advertising. the various ways include brand awareness campaigns,key industry trade shows,and advertising in trade journals.

.newspaper ads locally
.radio ads
.tv ads
.magazine ads
.trade shows
.mall shows
.community events
.home shows
.word of mouth

Sunday, 13 October 2013

avoiding a difficult business start up

while you're searching for a business with lots of advantages you also have to avoid a business with too many disadvantages. stay away from a business that will be immediately overwhelmed by the existing competition if the field is competitive look for a niche where you have a competitive advantage, such as our garage makeover service combined with our one day kitchen cabinet restoration service, and our on going support,give you a serious also don't want a business that will be overwhelmed by regulation from  federal,provincial or municipal govts. or by the governing body of a professional or skilled trade. you also want to avoid a business that has large insurance costs, and low profit margins. also a very important thing to watch out for is a massive cost for start up. jb international has waived all franchise fees, and the only  start up costs are for training, and any govt licenses. you have the option of working full time or part time the choice is yours.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

email marketing

email campaign.  design and deliver targeted email marketing using email as a advertising tool is a great way to assist you with your campaign. we have found one of the best software programs is "email campaign". the program helps you create,schedule,and send powerful messages build and manage your contact list and manage bounced emails. design simple or complex marketing messages verify active and dead email addresses. you can adjust flexible send options according to what your service provider will allow. basically how many emails can be sent at one time. turn basic messages into full color promotional online brochures by including graphics and adjusting the fonts and colors of each message you send to your contacts. your contact list can be your previous customers or a email list purchased from companies that provide such lists................................................................................

any questions email jb international president

Friday, 11 October 2013

so you're thinking about starting your own business

so you're thinking about starting your own business. every year lots of people get the entrepreneurial urge and start businesses. some of those businesses become very successful. but every year lots of new businesses fail. business success or failure isn't the result of fate,or random chance,or acts of god. a business does well for good reason-like great products or services like our unique kitchen cabinet restoration service or our garage makeover service (combined there is no competition). a solid marketing plan,and the owners good management skills and lots of help from our support staff.  likewise when a business goes under,you can often identify the reasons lack of money,to get properly started,poor timing, no outside help, location,lack of interest, no commitment, to lazy, whatever the reason for a business failure, it usually boils down to this. the business owner didn't look carefully before deciding on a good business venture or idea.

you can email the president of jb international with any questions that you might have.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013


to all of our great friends in the united states. welcome. with the us economy slowly making its way out of recession,now is the perfect time to start your own business. our business opportunities have massive markets,with unlimited potential. combine both our kitchen cabinet restoration service and our garage makeover service,you will be able to provide your customers with many options for their home renovations. we have training programs designed specifically for the united states. the only difference in training between the us and canadian programs, is the section on govt requirements. all of our training costs are in canadian dollars. if you have any questions please email , the president of jb international at

Monday, 7 October 2013

setting your money goal and attaining it

money versus personal life. by now you've decided that you need to by your own boss in other words to be independent. to be independent you need to make a certain amount of money. you need to reach your money goal as fast as possible.that approach to making money is the only way you can get the money you want to do the things you want to do before you are too old,or too tired. making money is not a mysterious awesome secret meant only for a chosen few. actually making money is just about the easiest thing to do in this world provided you have a money goal,skills,knowledge,and the drive to get what you want out of life. the big need is money. a certain amount of money within a certain period of time - as soon as possible. you have to decide what you want from life,some people like to work long hours,even when successful,because they truly enjoy,their work. while others like to have more social time with family and friends. no one is asking you to spend 24 hours a day at the job and you don't have to in order be become successful. almost anyone can start a business and run it with modest success,provided the business does not overtax his or her abilities to fulfill your personal needs,you should make sure that you take care of all your life's responsibilities and yet leave enough creative energy to reach your financial goal. in other words break life's needs down and handle them in order of their importance. you should allot a sensible portion of the day to your leisure as relaxation ultimately helps you to work harder. also you should be sure to get enough sleep otherwise you'll be too tired to work. without good health you can't do anything. furthermore you do have your family to think about. don't neglect them.

attaining your financial goal.

you should write down the financial goal that you would like to attain. at the end of a five year period,when your business is firmly established and you can afford to relax,a bit. next list the amounts of money that you need just to get by. a great number of people never succeed in becoming independent,simply because they are afraid of failure. some people strange to say are even afraid of success..........................

Sunday, 6 October 2013

choosing a company name

choosing a company name.

when you return home ,one of the first items on your itinerary should be to choose a company name. each canadian province and territory has a govt service centre that will provide you with all the information needed to start and register a business. each govt web site will have important information that will help you

.who should use this service
.why do i need approval for my company name
.how much does it cost
.does the approval of my company name mean no one else can use it
.how long does it take
.what is the process
.what if my company name is not approved
.how long will the name be reserved for
.what are the next steps after my name is reserved.

typically the procedure for requesting a company name is a simple process. you decide on 3 choices for your company name. the name must contain
.1 a distinctive element
.2 a descriptive element
.3 a corporate designation

example  jb international distribution ltd.  jb international is the distinctive element which is the name of the company.
distribution is the descriptive element
this says what the company is or category its in
ltd  is the corporate designation
ltd is a limited company,or it can be just a sole proprietorship or a partnership,
 once you have three names ,each provincial govt web site has a name search tool. this tool is extremely helpful in determining if your name request is available. if the results indicate that the name is available,the next step involves filling in a name request form, with a payment which is very small. when the approval comes back from the govt,you can proceed with the next step. registering the name..........

Saturday, 5 October 2013

how to get money

you have decided to take the plunge and start your own business. however you need money and you don't have any. naturally as with most people you ask yourself,how  much money do i have to invest . that is the wrong approach. what you should be asking is where can i rent money,at reasonable rates of interest that will allow me to expand,pay back the loan and still make a profit. now the first thing to get clear in your mind is that you should never think in terms of borrowing money,because the very word borrowing is bad for morale,it could create  a feeling of inferiority. for too many people the word borrowing leaves a bad taste in the mouth. why should a self made business person harbour a sense of failure,just because you know it is necessary to use somebody else's money rather than your own. so why feel bad about renting money especially when you rent only from people who need your business. firms such as banks,credit unions,finance companies, and other money rental operations need your business in order to exist. renting money is a sound and recognized way to do business. therefore starting now get used to the idea and rent money the same way you rent a car,boat or summer cottage. money is just another commodity so use the money rental system to become fianancially independent. your should rent money only when you have a definite and sound money making plan where you can use some other persons cash to build up your business lets get started in the game of rentiing money for yourself,and your business. lets get started in the game of renting money to make money for yourself.

obtain money from.............

.personal sources
.institutional term lenders
.credit unions
have any questions that you would like to ask the president of jb international you can email at

Friday, 4 October 2013

sales and marketing


sales and marketing should be the number one priority of your business. at the start you will probably do the sales calls your self. some of you are good at sales some of you are not. if you find sales to be one of your weak points,there are 2 very good books available that will teach you good selling techniques.

the worlds greatest salesman by joe girard
the greatest salesman in the world by og mandino


Thursday, 3 October 2013

low cost ideas for sales and marketing

jb international has a first rate support staff that ,will help you to succeed. while there are no guarantees of success. it is nice to know that there is someone, who will help you. and there are many things that you the business owner can do on your own. there are a lot of low cost ideas for marketing your kitchen cabinet restoration service,and garage makeover service.  some of these ideas are .................

.tell everyone you meet what you do
.ask them to tell others
.post business cards on bulletin boards
.leave business cards on countertops at banks,coffee shops etc
.hand out business cards to everyone
.take before and after photos of your jobs, ask photo store clerks and  clients to help choose the best ones
.make presentations at service clubs promoting saving wood,new business service
.join a volunteer group
.wear your company apparel everywhere
.use yard signs
.use vehicle signs and graphics
.use service presentation manual in all sales calls
.have a professional outgoing attitude
.use the telephone correctly
.use news releases
.give your services as prizes or donations
.fax or email your services to businesses
.get client recommendations
.conduct free seminars
.mail letters with business cards to homes for sale
.be a radio talk show guest
.send out your own news letter
.attend free trade shows
.target resource centers
.enter into community events
.go to coffee and meet people
.cross promote your business with other businesses
.give a business talk to the chamber of commerce

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

success tips

part of your jbi training program, outlines success tips, which will help you become more successful at operating your jbi dealership. 
tips such as

.constantly review your financial goal
.never stop learning
.your competition can help you
.make your own decisions. we will help you
.use time effectively
.keep expenses down
.where to go for outside help

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

remove the confusion

when you join the jbi dealership network. part of our ongoing support, is helping you with your promotional material. finding ,designing and printing promotional material is a time consuming,costly venture and  with so many companies,and software programs available,it is hard to decide which one to use. remember you have to use time management,and one aspect of time management is to reduce or limit your time on certain items such as designing promotional material. we can help you with all of your needs. we will design and provide you with the following promotional items.

.business cards
.business card holders
.address labels
.thank you cards
.self inking stamps
.t shirts
.polo shirts
.premium caps
.gift certificates
.lawn signs
.fridge magnets
.door hangers
and much much more.........................................

Monday, 30 September 2013


a very important part of every business is making sure that you have the right type of business insurance. it will protect your business and yourself. find a good insurance company,one that you feel comfortable can be a problem,especially to the uninformed. like anything else,you can pay a lot more for it than you would if you knew what you were helps to understand a few of the basics about the insurance a little research, use refferrals, and word of mouth,to locate a good insurance agent. we will also help you in your search............................

Sunday, 29 September 2013

the sales staff


should you decide to operate your jbi dealership on a part time basis, the importance of having a sales staff becomes even more important. sales people are hired to tackle new projects. often part of the sales persons job is selling to people who don't even want to talk to them. good sales people have a number of ways they use to try to break the ice. some will use gimmicks just to get in the door,and then explain the products and services.  whatever method they use your salespeople are vital to your business.after your salespeople have made the initial contact with prospective buyers you should try to help them out . have someone in your office send or phone a thank you to the customers for their time. make sure that the customers know that the sale and business is important to you and that you are grateful for their patronage. marketing research has proven that customers are generally satisfied with a purchase but shortly afterward it is not uncommon for them to question their choice,this is the time to call your customers again and remind them about the unique features your product or service has. your salespeople will be well received the next time they call if you can help them out this way..................................................................

Saturday, 28 September 2013

what else can the kitchen cabinet restoration service be used for

remember the kitchen cabinet restoration service has a massive market with unlimited potential.some people have asked is there a market for this service where we live? well if where you live has homes,apartments,condos townhomes that have wood kitchen cabinets,and people want to save money,then your question has been answered.this same service can be applied to anything made of wood,and again look around where you live, where ever you see wood, then it can be restored for a fraction the cost to replace........

Friday, 27 September 2013

you need a business plan

part of your training program will deal with creating a business plan. a good business plan is critical to your business.while many starting a new company know they need a business plan,often they don't understand the important reasons behind the need. knowing the purpose of a business plan can help business developers create a plan that can have lasting impact on business success. first what is the main goal of a business plan. while business plan users may have various responses to this simple question the bottom line is that a  business plan is designed to express your purpose in a way that can translate into results. how it will make money. in order to make money however a business plan is necessary as a way of forcasting the future....

Thursday, 26 September 2013

leadership grants

after you have successfully completed jbi's in depth training,and you are ready to start your business career.we suggest you apply for a leadership grant. leadership grants are another source of financial help. the leadership grants organization is a newly registered funding organization that provides cash awards and in kind resources to small business owners and entrepreneurs to start or grow a small business in canada. in order to apply you must have a business plan. you can view the leadership
grants web site at

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

staying in touch with customers

with the various business opportunities that we offer ,especially when you combine services, you will have the ability to stay in touch with your customers,by offering yearly maintenance programs. and as we add additional products and services, you will retain your customers,by offering new products and services.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

hiring employees

as part of your training program .we will teach you how to find good employees and keep them. their are two basic places to find employees. one is inside your company,the other is outside your company. and since you will be starting out small. you will look externally ,for your employees.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

jbi dealership versus a franchise

many of you are wondering what is the difference between a jbi dealership and a franchise. well the difference is drastic. the first major difference is we have waived all franchise fees...some of you think there is a catch. well there is no catch (if you really want we will charge you a $50,000.00 fee) the reason we can do this is because we are banking on having a large dealer network, each one purchasing the products from us (10%markup) we know this will happen because, with most of you researching our two services the kitchen cabinet restoration service and the garage makeover service, you will see the the markets are massive and the potential is unlimited, with a great profit margin. when you combine both of these services, you have no competition. there is no large startup costs other than for the in depth training that you receive. when you complete the jbi training program ,you join a dealer network that cares,(and if you know the owners you will see why)  our training program is intense,with ongoing support.  our products have been specifically designed for our services,we do not simply use products from any store. our ongoing support provides assistance with ongoing training,in management and production.  we are always upgrading ,or improving our services, and we are always adding new products and services, keeping you ahead of the competition. during the length of your contract you can simply add new jbi products and services, to your contract free of charge, except for any training that might be required. another major advantage of being a jbi dealer,is that you have full control over how your business is run.we will provide assistance, or guidance to help you succeed.  whereas owning a franchise you are required and controlled in most decision making. this could be a problem especially for those of you who decided that you wanted to own your own business to have that freedom. purchasing a franchise can be very expensive,and there is no guarantee of success. franchise agreements are usually drafted by the franchisor and they favor the franchisor over the franchisee.  the jbi dealer contract is the most simplisic in the industry.everything is upfront with no hidden clauses. a lot of franchisors promise training and support,but they may not be as good as promised.with some franchises,franchisees are charged large amounts for products,and in many cases franchisees are charged ,for advertising and other items. 
the difference is decide................................

Saturday, 21 September 2013

if your quotation becomes a job now what?

if your quotation becomes a job now what? this simple question creates fear and panic in a lot of people. the reason for this is because, when you get the job, either for the garage makeover or kitchen cabinet restoration services, a lot of people start to panic, they do not know how to prepare for the job, what products they will need, scheduling the job, and the other intangibles that go along with preparing for the job. well ,as part of your training, you will learn how to properly prepare for each part of your support, we will help remove any fear. we would contact your customers and schedule the job for you, and we will provide you with a check off list. using a check off list will make sure you do not forget anything. our goal is to create a stress free environment for you to properly run your business without fear...................................................................

Friday, 20 September 2013

garage cabinets

part of your hands on training for the garage makeover service,involves learning about jbi's garage cabinets. we will give you an overview of the cabinets,and show you how to install them. now that you have transformed your customers garage floor...............

its time to organize the garage. you will have the ability to offer your customers garage cabinets that are solid construction at a very economical price. (lifetime warranty)  jbi cabinets were designed for high quality contemporary aesthetics and easy installation. jbi's garage cabinetry offer tremendous storage capacity. the benefits of selling these cabinets to your customers.........................

.stylish stainless pulls
.bold offset doors
.environmentally preferred
.holds up in any climate
.5 colors to choose from
.tough and durable
.easy to clean
.easy and fast to assemble
.designed for garages
.fully adjustable shelves
.compliments any decor
.european hardware
.full extension drawers.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

certificate of training excellence

after you have completed jbi's training program you will receive a certificate that states you have met the training requirements needed to become part of our family (jbi dealer)

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

how to estimate the job

part of your training for both the kitchen cabinet restoration service and the garage makeover service, is how to estimate the job, what to say to  customers, and how to price the job. all of these are extremely easy to do. different types of jobs require different pricing methods. you will learn how to price, and we will show you how to develop a powerpoint presentation for your laptop complete with voice over. this is a powerful tool that creates a very professional environment. you can even use your laptop to price, and print out the quotes.........................................................

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

preping the job

for both of our business opportunities "services" the kitchen cabinet restoration service and the garage makeover service. you will find that you do not have to be good at wood restoration, or concrete work. both of these services are easy to learn, and you will find it very easy to train others to do the work for you. we will provide you with all the necessary support, (we developed these services)  the market for these is huge, and don't forget both of these services combined, give you many options ,that you can provide your customers. as part of your training, you will learn how to properly prep the job before you begin the actual work. the technical training is in depth. we have to make sure that you have a clear understanding of all aspects of the work, it is in both of our interests. with both of these services combined there is no competition,and we are always updating our service packages, making sure you stay ahead of any competition.

Monday, 16 September 2013

the products we use

as part of your training program ,you will learn all about the products used  for the kitchen cabinet restoration service and the garage makeover service. these products were developed for us especially for these services. you cannot purchase them at any hardware store.we have used all of these products for many years,that is why the warranties we offer are incredible.

Friday, 13 September 2013

home or office

home or office.  when you join the jbi network of dealers,you are joining a family. And as a family member,we help each other to succeed.Becoming a JBI dealer gives you complete control of your business,with us a a backup.  You have the option of working part time,or full time, from your home or a brick and mortar storefront.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

full face frame kitchen cabinets

as a add on to the kitchen cabinet restoration service is jb international's west coast series of full face frame kitchen cabinets. now you will be able to offer your customers  a unique line of kitchen cabinets

Monday, 9 September 2013

other jbi products and services

when you become a jbi dealer you have the option of adding other products and services to your jbi dealer service package. we are constantly adding new items,that will give your customers more options for their home renovations. there is no charge to add these to your contract. the only cost could be for  additional training that might be needed for new services,or if you request additional training.

Friday, 6 September 2013

non disclosure form

part of jb international's training program involves learning about non disclosure forms. this form protects both you and us. before training begins you will review and sign a non disclosure form that states you will not share any technical or business information , with anyone else. plus you will be required to have any employees sign one as well . this will protect both of us from disaster

Thursday, 5 September 2013

hands on training

our technical (hands on training) programs are designed for people with little or no experience in wood restoration or concrete floor refinishing. our hands on training,lets everyone experience and master both of these unique services. you do not have to be afraid that because you do not have experience in wood care or garage floors,that might be a disadvantage to you. let me tell you ,it will not be an issue. if  i learned to do these anyone can.......................................................

Sunday, 1 September 2013

contract contract contract

just hearing the word contract strikes fear into people. actually our contract is similar to a franchise except more simple.  basically our contract is for ten years. if you determine that you have to close your business before that time ,there is no penalties, or charges. the contract states that you can opt out after 5 years, again there is no penalties or hidden costs,or charges. the contract states that you pay us 10% of each sale, if there are no sales then you owe us nothing. in the contract you agree to purchase the products from us. you have the option of working anywhere you want, unless someone has an exclusive territory agreement simple, no hidden costs everything is upfront.................................................

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

work part time or full time

when you join the jbi dealer network,you have the option of operating your business on a full time basis or part time basis,and you are not required to have a brick and mortor store ,or warehouse space.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

adding new products and services

one major advantage of being a jbi dealer compared to being a franchisee, is you have the ability to work where you want, run your business how you want, (with us helping you) and even though you have a contract, you can simply add additional services and products, with no restrictions. you will always stay ahead of the competition. we are constantly adding new items, giving you the ability to keep existing customers, and offering more choices to your customers

Saturday, 24 August 2013

looking for a new product line

if you are an individual looking for products to sell at mall shows, home shows, or on your e commerce site, or if you are a business owner looking for new products to generate additional revenue. jbi's checkered flag series of car products are the perfect choice. our checkered flag series consists of 6 items for the external maintenance of vehicles. they are a proven line, that has been in use in both Europe and the united states for many years. they are unique, and your customers will love that they are economical,and easy to use. you can view these items on our web site at

Friday, 23 August 2013

no previous experience needed

many of you have asked the question, if i do not have any experience with wood restoration or garage flooring , can i become successful at the kitchen cabinet restoration service, and the garage makeover service. the answer is of course you can. the training programs are designed for people who do not know anything about wood,or concrete floors.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

free to work anywhere

when you become a jbi dealer, you are not restricted like a franchise you have the ability to work anywhere you wish, (unless someone has an exclusive territory) you also have the ability as a jbi dealer to add additional jbi products and services, without costly additions to your contract, there is no additional cost, unless training is required. you will always stay ahead of the competition ,with new products and services being added on a regular basis.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

are there any minimum order requirements

many of you have been asking if there are any minimum order requirements. the answer is no. for the kitchen cabinet restoration service, when you take the training program, you will receive two stanley tool kits complete with enough product to complete 5 to 6 jobs. you can order product as you see fit,for the garage makeover service, you can order the products as you need them. you do not need a large storage area, a basement or ,garage is enough.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

a question most people ask

a question that a lot of people ask, is there a market for the kitchen cabinet restoration service,and the garage makeover service where i live. well the answer is quite simple. lets start with the kitchen cabinet/wood restoration service. in the area where you live, are there homes,apartments,townhomes,condos, that have wood cabinetry. where you live are there restaurants,schools hotels/motels, boats, ski chalets,churches that have wood that can be restored.where you live do people want to save money. well you just answered that question. now for the garage makeover service. where you live are there concrete floors, in homes, retail stores, warehouses,car shops,around swimming pools, many of these have floors, that can be turned from a dull ,stained, cracked floor into a stunning masterpiece. again the answer is simple.............................

Sunday, 18 August 2013

training for jb international's kitchen cabinet restoration service,and the garage makeover service are done in our first class training facility located in beautiful langley british columbia. you do not need any technical or business training, both of our services require no previous experience. we provide in depth technical and business trainings

Friday, 16 August 2013

kitchen cabinet restoration service

jb international distributors kitchen cabinet restoration service is the perfect business opportunity ,for people who want to do something that is exciting, and easy to learn. the kitchen cabinet restoration service has a massive market and unlimited potential. you can do this full time or part time the choice is yours. anything made of wood can be restored. the products used are first rate,specifically designed for use with this service. view this service on our web  site at

Thursday, 15 August 2013

promote your business opportunity

do you have a business opportunity that  you would like to promote. jb international can help you, we will promote your business opportunity on our web site. just contact for details.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

garage makeover service

premium business opportunity.  how would you like to own a business that,requires no previous experience,has a massive market and is fun to do. plus you can operate either full time or part time the choice is yours.  our garage makeover service can provide you with a great business,that lets you take charge of your destiny.  view this
business opportunity on our web site at


Tuesday, 13 August 2013

checkered flag series of car products

all business owners or individuals that are looking for a unique and proven line of car products,to create new markets,bring in new customers and generate steady income,our checkered flag series of car products,which are for maintaining the exterior of vehicles is the perfect choice. you can view these items on our web site at

Monday, 12 August 2013

free franchises

jb international distributors provides busness opportunities to individuals who are serious about owning their own business.  we will provide all the technical and business training needed to become successful. we have waived all franchise fees, this is an effort to make it cheaper and easier for people to start their own business . become a jbi dealer.